Thursday, April 18, 2013


I am so sad. We are allegedly the greatest nation yet we have "do nothing" leaders. Seriously, is it better to just sit and stagnate? 

DO SOMETHING! Make a start! Take the first step. 

What doesn't work will make itself apparent and then that part can be changed, but until that first step is taken,


served are the lawmakers as they sit in their ivory towers, collecting salaries and pensions and health care and fitness clubs and vacations on our dollar.

Greatest nation, indeed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gay Equality

My opinion!  For what it's worth.  About 2 cents, as the saying goes.
Soooo much political time, energy and money being spent on the issue of gay marriage.

With all the other issues of such vital importance, it is a crime that all those resources are being spent on what should be a personal, private issue.  Different strokes for different folks, people.

We are allegedly a FREE nation with guaranteed rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  What right has ANYONE to think they can legislate what makes people happy?

Monday, February 4, 2013

The thing is...we've managed to keep the MANY from starving, which wasn't the case in 1932. Today, there are soup kitchens, but no bread lines. Today, the unemployed want only to work ON THEIR TERMS. In THEIR FIELD. No longer will men leave home to stay in a work camp to rebuild roads and bridges...and even more sadly, those building the bridges and roads don't want workers who are inexperienced. We citizens have gotten too big for our britches. Back then, a job was a job. For some noble few, that is still true, but as long as government keeps just "extending" unemployment, there is no reason to work. Unemployment has become "respectible" welfare.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A number of years ago, I lost my job. It was before the bottom fell out of the economy. I collected unimployment for a limited period of time. I understand ... there were millions of people who were suddenly jobless when the bottom fell out ( go back and think the Great Depression.) Now, many people are still out of work. The answer has been to just keep paying the unemployment. Seems to me that FDR came up with his Alphabet Soup and put people to work. Now, in retrospect, turns out, FDR did that so fast that Congress didn't kno w what hit them. Good on him! Something like that could never happen today. Fast forward to the NOW ~ What was the Alphabet Soup, but recognizing that there were things that needed doing and the government subsidizing it. Today, the government is subsidizing the unemployed to stay at home. If folks want that subsidy, they should be working fixing our 300 year old infrastructure that is collapsing...roads, bridges. Lots of things need fixing, let the unemployed work in doing that.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I am so disgusted with people who are so hateful of President Obama(for whatever reason.  Personally, I have come to believe that it ultimately comes down to race,) that they will deny what is best for all of us just to defeat his plan.  In order for insurance (any kind) to work, people must buy into the system.  The more people who buy into it, the bigger the pot.  It's really very simple.  Hence, when something happens that needs coverage there is money there to meet the need.  Unless EVERYONE buys into the pot, there will not be enough money for healthcare.  Those who DO NOT buy in will still get sick, or injured and seek health care ... and we'll still pay for it.  Sadly, one day, we will all get sick or be injured.  Are you one of the 1% who can actually afford it?

I am so disgusted with people who are so hateful of President Obama (for whatever reason. Personally I have come to believe that it ultimately comes down to race,) that they will deny what is best for all of us just to defeat his plan. In order for insurance (any kind) to work, people must buy into the system. The more people who buy into it, the bigger the pot. It's really very simple. Hence, when something happens that needs coverage, there is money there to meet the need. Unless EVERYONE buys into the pot, there will not be enough money for healthcare. Those who DO NOT buy in will still get sick or injured and seek health care ... and we'll still pay for it. Sadly, one day, we will all get sick or be injured. Are you one of the 1% who can actually afford it?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I have a problem

I can think of nothing that is more important to me than my family.I am here because I have opinions that I think need sharing.  If I don't share them.  If I don't get to say my piece, my head will explode.

I am on Facebook.  Probably the largest social networking device yet.  Yes, I know, Blogger et al have been around longer, but it requires more work and doesn't read like a quick morning newspaper.  Facebook has given me a chance to catch up with so many old, and nearly forgotten friends.  People who were once important parts of my daily life but whom I haven't seen in years.  It has been wonderful.

Facebook has also been a way to keep up on what my friends and family think of what's happening in the world. We all have our various beliefs, causes and peeves and subscribe to the outlets that support those beliefs and then we share.

We share because we agree with what the author says.  What better way to let our friends know what we're thinking.  We share to bring like-minded people new information and we share in hopes that those who are see things differently might see our point if posed in a different way.

Seems benign, right?  Wrong!  My choice to share liberal news articles has caused a huge rift in my life.  You see, not everyone in my family circle is a liberal thinker. One, in particular is a hard right-wing, pro-life, bible toting Conservative.  He chooses not only to disagree with me but to smash and bash everything I post.  Yes, I said everything. 

If I comment on the weather, he's glad it's raining on me, and not in a nice way.

So, all of this is unsettling to the rest of the family who use Facebook to see what is going on with everyone and now, I am being asked to stop sharing articles to keep peace. It is killing me.  It goes against everything I believe in.  I've explained to them that Facebook is a public forum and it is my right to post what I wish.

I've explained that they can block posts if they don't like the content without blocking me.  But that doesn't seem to be enough.  What am I supposed to do?